Friday, September 30, 2011

OpEdNews - Article: The Dangers of Not Understanding Autism/Book Excerpt

OpEdNews - Article: The Dangers of Not Understanding Autism/Book Excerpt

I have recently been inundated with stories of children who were taken from their parents because they were running for the sake of running. One such story hails out of Calgary Canada and tells of a drug free joyous autistic girl who ran off to play forgetting to circle back for home. Dad called 911 and she was found shortly thereafter completely oblivious to any problems she may have caused. She was apprehended and since the children's aid was not able to help her as she was they chose to drug her – a lot.

Another story comes closer to home and is about a California boy who was tethered to keep him safe while the family was moving. This was reported and the child was removed. (Apparently no one saw that wonderful movie Babies wherein the Mongolians model this type of safe keeping or even bothered to watch most day care centers walking their line up of tethered kids to the park.)

One of my many life goals is to educate the general population and people in positions of authority on what is and isn't 'good for autism'. This is because I lived it.

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