Thursday, June 23, 2011

“How to Teach Life Skills to Kids with Autism or Asperger’s” by Jennifer McIlwee Meyers

“How to Teach Life Skills to Kids with Autism or Asperger’s” by Jennifer McIlwee Meyers – A Book Review | Special Happens

There aren’t many books that find themselves on the “Must-Haves” in the mind of many parents, including me. So much literature around therapy, quick go-to guides on behavioral problem solving…so many wonderfully informative books written by some of the most educated individuals in the special needs community – and by parents too. You might not even notice that there aren’t many books written by individuals with Autism or Asperger’s. But there aren’t.

Within the special needs community and through reading various articles, books and essays, I’ve found listening to individuals with higher functioning Autism to be the most enlightening. Everyone is different, every child and adult working through the challenges of Autism is different, yet like much in life, there is a similarity threading through. One of these similarities surrounds the challenges in Autism with life skills. Teaching, learning and retaining the processes in the number of tasks associated in learning life skills may come easy to you or I, but these are one of the many difficulties in the challenge of autism.

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