Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Books by and for Autistic Children - NYTimes.com

Books by and for Autistic Children - NYTimes.com

Books by and for Autistic Children

April is Autism Awareness Month, and given the increase in the number of children with autism spectrum disorders (the rate is in constant dispute, but some estimate that A.S.D. affects as many as 1 in 110 children), a stack of new books for and about autistic children is to be expected.

“Point to Happy” includes a large hand pointer that readers can use to help identify facial expressions depicted in the book’s photographs.

This year, several of the books look noticeably different, shedding the institutional feel of earlier takes on the subject. The mission remains, but the books look like the kinds of books children may actually want to read.

Two new ones specifically for autistic young people are oversized, colorful and interactive. “Point to Happy: A Book for Kids on the Autism Spectrum” by Miriam Smith and Afton Fraser includes a large hand pointer that readers can use to help identify facial expressions depicted in the book’s photographs.

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