Friday, October 17, 2008

Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health Through Diet

Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health Through Diet (Paperback)
by Elaine Gloria Gottschall (Author)

Illustrated by Patricia Wilson, Marilyn Jones
Published by Kirkton Press, 1994
170 pages

Topics covered in—

The relationships between food and intestinal disorders such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, celiac disease, cystic fibrosis of the pancreas, and other forms of chronic diarrhea.

A discussion of the cycle of events occurring in the intestine of those with problems and how the Specific Carbohydrate Diet™ can break this cycle and permit the body to regain normal functioning.

A new Chapter "ABOUT AUTISM"
This NEW chapter reviews some of the research dealing with the Gut-Brain Axis in child developmental disorders. It will point out how dietary intervention with the Specific Carbohydrate Diet addresses and often overcomes conditions thought to be at the root of autism spectrum disorders as well as some cases of epilepsy and attention deficit Disorder (ADD).

A complete recipe section which offers an assortment of simple, quick, as well as gourmet-type recipes, based on the scientific principle underlying the Specific Carbohydrate Diet™.

Many people on discovering the SCD™ diet are eager to begin straight away, even before they receive the book, so we have provided information in the Beginners Guide on this Web site to help. We have given this information to help you get started, but to fully implement and understand the diet it is essential to read the book carefully. You can read the foreword to the book here, also check out the reviews at, the vast majority give an excellent review.

MORE INFORMATION ON ... Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health Through Diet

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